+39 3400915344 bbotranto@libero.it


How to reach us…

Car: from Bari take the SS 16 freeway Bari-Brindisi-Lecce. In Lecce continue for the freeway Lecce-Maglie and then continue towards Otranto.

Air: The nearest civil airport is near Brindisi “Papola Casale” (http://www.aeroportidipuglia.it/brindisi14), 80 km orund to Otranto. Shuttle service from Brindisi to Lecce (http://www.aeroportidipuglia.it/it/web/10181/bus-pugliairbus-1)

Train: With TrenItalia (http://www.trenitalia.com/) until Lecce railway station. Lecce-Otranto line is run by Ferrovie del Sud Est (https://www.fseonline.it/)

Bus: Regional and provincial connections run by S.T.P. Terra d’Otranto (http://www.stplecce.it/stp/node) and Ferrovie del Sud Est (https://www.fseonline.it/). “Salento in Bus” in summer (http://www.provincia.le.it/web/provincialecce/trasporti)